Hi, I'm Nurizzati Aisyah

Graduating from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia in Bachelor’s Degree of Chemical Engineering (class of 2019), I pivoted my career choice from engineering to logistics & petrochemicals supply chain since day 1 in workforce.

Supply chain field fascinates me for the past 5 years, as I am always intrigued how businesses evolved according to us, the consumers.

black blue and yellow textile

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I share my reflections about work, creative life and productivity with Microsoft 365. Might be useful for you!

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Productivity with Microsoft 365

I use M365 (Microsoft 365) because I have no choice! While I organize most of my life in Notion app, I have to use M365 as it is already given by my company. After a while learning about it, I just realized that M365 is an amazing productivity tool for corporate employees, yet it is underutilized!

Find tips and tricks here how to organize your work using M365 - never lose your work credit again!

Product Planning, Logistic & Market

I document my learnings on planning, logistics and marketing in this section, which may be helpful for young executives and professionals that interested with this topic.

You may find tips how I navigate myself in suiting this role. With chemical engineering foundation, it adds touch to my current role.


Crochet is a part of my flesh & blood. My characters evolved with crochet since I was a kid. I’ve been crocheting for more than 15 years and have interest in other forms of arts such as hand lettering, embroidery & sewing. 

You can find useful crochet tips and my gallery in this section.


Whether it's about job or crochet, you can contact me via email: zatisyaaa96@gmail.com